Mastering Machine Learning Tutorial Creation

4 min readOct 24, 2023


Ten Key Insights from My Journey in Crafting Engaging ML Video Tutorials

Creating machine learning video tutorials can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Whether you’re an educator, a content creator, or simply passionate about sharing your knowledge, these tutorials can serve as valuable resources for others.

But, like any creative project, there are essential lessons to be learned along the way. In this article, we’ll delve into the top 10 lessons I’ve discovered from my own experience in creating machine learning video tutorials.

1. Record in 1 to 3 Minute Chunks

A crucial lesson is to keep your video recordings short and focused. Viewers like shorter, topic-specific videos. Recording in 1 to 3-minute parts not only keeps your content concise but also simplifies editing. Making longer videos by combining these shorter chunks is easier than starting with a long video and trying to trim it down. Shorter snippets are less work to edit because they are easier to manage.

2. Have Backup Gear

Technical glitches can happen, and they often do at the most inconvenient times. To ensure smooth recording sessions, always have backup equipment ready, including a spare computer, mouse, and microphone. This preparation can save you from frustrating interruptions.

3. Find a Quiet Place

Background noise can be distracting and diminish the quality of your tutorials. Choose a quiet, controlled environment for recording, and consider using noise-cancelling technology if needed. A peaceful space will make your videos more professional and enjoyable to watch.

You might even consider doing the recording in a quiet hotel room if necessary. Or use soundproofing wall insulation , a deadcat for your mic etc.

4. Write Your Script Slide by Slide

Scripting your tutorials is vital for clarity and coherence. Write your script slide by slide, ensuring that your explanations are easy to understand. This approach helps you stay on track and prevents you from missing important points.

5. Learn Editing Basics and Keyboard Shortcuts

Video editing is a skill that can significantly improve the quality of your tutorials. Invest time in learning the basics of video editing and familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts. This will save you time and make the editing process more efficient.

I used iMovies and lost track of how many times I’ve used shortcuts like cmd + B to trim a clip in the timeline .

6. Save Your Work on the Cloud

Data loss can be a nightmare for content creators. To avoid this, save your work on cloud storage platforms like Google Drive. Cloud backups provide security against unexpected data loss and allow you to access your content from anywhere.

With the growing affordability of cloud storage, there are no more reasons to make excuses.

7. Put in Place an Optimized Workflow

Before diving into extensive workloads, create an efficient workflow. This involves mapping out your content, structuring your recording and editing procedures, and setting achievable goals. A well-structured workflow reduces stress and boosts productivity.

I didn’t place this as the top tip for a specific reason. Building a workflow often stems from learning through mistakes and refining systems that suit your needs, which is something you can only do after gaining experience, rather than right from the beginning.

8. Have Decent Gear to Cut Down on Time Spent

Invest in good-quality recording equipment. While you don’t need the most expensive gear, having decent equipment can save you time in post-production and result in higher-quality videos. A clear video and ESPECIALLY crisp audio are essential for engaging tutorials.

9. It’s Okay if You Don’t Earn Much or at All

Not all machine learning video tutorials will lead to substantial earnings. Accept that sometimes, you might not make much money, or perhaps none at all.

Consider this journey as a learning opportunity that can help you become more efficient, ultimately increasing your return on investment (ROI) in the long run.

10. Keep Employers Informed of Any Delays

If you’re creating machine learning video tutorials as part of a job, it’s crucial to maintain good communication with your employer or clients.

Keep them informed about any potential delays in your work. Honesty and transparency can foster trust and maintain healthy working relationships.

In conclusion, creating machine learning video tutorials is a rewarding pursuit, but it comes with its set of challenges and lessons.

Recording in short segments, having backup gear, finding a quiet space, scripting meticulously, and understanding the basics of editing are essential steps.

Additionally, cloud storage, optimized workflows, quality equipment, and patience in terms of earnings are all key aspects to consider. Finally, open communication with employers or clients ensures a successful collaboration.

Share your thoughts below. If you have done something similar what was your experience like ?

