BenyamProgramming : Learn it well, learn it slowThis post is inspired by Kumon a Maths and English tutorial service for school age children . I stumbled upon their webiste when I was…Apr 24, 2021Apr 24, 2021
BenyamJavascript: Short-circuitingFor the uninitiated — I am sorry but this blog article is anything but how you learn javascript quicker i.e. short-circuit it. If you know…Apr 17, 2021Apr 17, 2021
BenyamPART I: Closures in JavascriptI have seen and heard closure used everywhere but never managed to properly understand what it means.May 1, 2021May 1, 2021
BenyamPART II: Closures in JavascriptIn part one we got ourselves familiarised with Closures in javascript. Part II will be exploring some non-trivial cases and the pros and…May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
BenyamHere is how the Spread operator(…) works in JavascriptThe spread operator a.ka. the three magic dots expand an iterable in place. An iterable can be an array, a string, or a set.May 13, 2021May 13, 2021